Category | Korea Ratings Co., Ltd. | Korea Investors Service, Inc. | NICE Information Service Co., Ltd |
Credit Rating | AA- | AA- | AA- |
The credit rating of company stock is classified into 10 ratings from AAA to D depending on the solvency of principal and interest. AAA through BBB are given when the solvency of principal and interest is recognized. BB through C are speculative grades largely affected by changes in the business environment.
AAA | The highest solvency of principal and interest |
AA | Very high solvency but slightly under AAA bonds |
A | High solvency of principal and interest but vulnerable to deterioration in the business and economic environment than is the case for higher ratings. |
BBB | Good solvency of principal and interest but entails a possibility of deteriorating capacity for repayment over time depending on adverse business or economic conditions than is the case for higher ratings. |
BB | Insufficient solvency of principal and interest and uncertain ability to pay interest during the recession |
CCC | Currently having unstable factors with regard to the payment of principal and interest; very speculative due to a high level of default risk |
CC | Higher level of unstable factors compared to the higher ratings |
C | High default risk and no capacity for solvency of principal and interest |
D | Unable to repay |